Like the Sun, you were made to shine.
Welcome to Leo Season.
Today, the Sun leaves the emotional waters of Cancer Season and sashays into warm, vibrant Leo. In its home sign, the Sun revels in shining authentically. Whatever part of your chart is ruled by Leo will be especially energized from now until August 22. But it’s not all sunshine and sandy beaches, I’m afraid.
Over the next month, the Sun, Mars, and Mercury will make oppositions to Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius. We will also experience two full moons in Aquarius (July 23 and August 22). This activity along the Leo-Aquarius axis may feel like pressure, conflict, or revelations in the areas of your life ruled by these signs. Check out your Leo Season horoscope below to find out how this astrology will show up for you.
This season’s astrology is returning to themes felt six months ago during Aquarius Season, when Saturn and Jupiter had just begun their trek through Aquarius and Mercury also retrograded there. When reading your horoscope, think back to late January and early February and consider what, like the Moon, is coming into fullness? What seeds planted in Aquarius Season are coming into bloom? What conflict is coming to its dramatic crescendo?
For all creatives, Leo Season energy empowers us all to express ourselves fully, unabashedly, and authentically. Join me over on Instagram for tips and inspiration to work with this vibrant energy.
Please read the horoscope for your rising sign. To figure out your rising sign, read this post about how to pull your birth chart.
Aries Rising
The Sun has entered your 5th House of creative projects, blessing you with the energy to accomplish a huge amount of work. If Cancer Season had you on the couch vegging out to a Netflix bingefest, this season inspires you to get back to your passions. With two full moons and Jupiter in your 11th House of friends, patrons, clients, and fans, you have an exceptional opportunities to connect with your audience. What projects did you begin that are coming to fruition now? How have learned to better engage with your audience? What creative projects make you feel most alive and how can you dedicate your energy to that work over the next month?
Taurus Rising
The Sun has entered your 4th House of home, family, and ancestor. A benevolent warmth is imbued into your home space and familial relationships (be that family blood-related or chosen). There has been a great deal of pressure, change, or opportunity in your career and/or public life this year, causing changes and perhaps tension at home. The two full moons in your house of career highlight a culmination of the career themes that began to unfold in January. What have you learned about balancing the demands of home and career? Keep an eye out for the next month, especially August 1, for challenging conversations or revelations regarding the work-life balance.
Gemini Rising
What are you learning and what do you want to share? How do you want to participate in your local community? The Sun, Mercury, and Mars in your house of communication and local neighborhood energizes you to speak up and be seen. This could be publishing an article, exhibiting your art work, or participating in a community organization. The two full moons in your 9th house of philosophy, higher education, and long-distance travel are highlighting the knowledge and experience you’ve gained over the last six months, and the new perspectives they’ve afforded you. New opportunities for travel, education, or publishing/exhibiting your work may present themselves. How can you make the global local? Have can you make the universal personal? What do you want to use your creative work to communicate?
Cancer Rising
Today, the Sun enters your 2nd House of personal assets and how you make money. Together with Mercury and Mars, you are invigorated to cultivate new financial opportunities. The Sun encourages your recognize the value you personally bring to your financial endeavors—what charisma and authenticity can you bring to your financial affairs? Two full moons in your house of shared assets and resources highlights the culmination of a theme that began in January. What have you learned about how you best share your time, money, and energy? In thinking of all the ways you cultivate and share your assets, what feels more nourishing and honoring to you? What boundaries and discipline keep you in your integrity?
Leo Rising
It’s your season to shine, Leo! With the Sun, Mercury, and Mars traversing your house of self, you are invigorated to be seen in all your authentic glory. Jupiter returning to your house of one-to-one relationships may bring a blessing of new, beneficial partnerships. Saturn has been transiting this house, too, making sure you set up clear boundaries in all partnerships. Clear boundaries allow you the space and energy needed for you to create and fully express yourself. With two full moons in your house of relationships, reflect on what relationships or partnerships began earlier in the year and are coming to fruition now? What pressure are you experiencing in your relationships, especially that might be constraining your self-expression? What relationships do you want to cultivate over the next 6 months that will best support your creative expression?
Virgo Rising
This season, the Sun moves into your house of secrets, hidden things, and unconscious thoughts and patterns. Along with Mercury, the Sun will illuminate some script you've been running on that's no longer serving you. Be especially vigilant on August 1, when you might receive a message about how these outmoded, internalized beliefs are negatively impacting your daily work or health. With two full moons in your 6th House of daily work, and Jupiter retrograding back here as well, you may find yourself with a full plate. Saturn--also in this part of your chart--will challenge you to commit to disciplined routine and systems to healthfully balance your day-to-day life. What lessons have you been learning since January about how to structure your day-to-day life and work? What healthy habits have you committed to? What unhealthy, unconscious habits, patterns, or beliefs are being revealed to you and how are you processing and releasing these?
Libra Rising
Your audience awaits and you are ready to put on a show! This season, your creative projects get a boost of luck from benefic Jupiter, while the Sun, Mercury, and Mars in your house of communities, patrons, fans, and clients gives you the energy and charisma to land the deal or crush the performance. Saturn’s slow journey through your house of creative projects reminds you that structure and discipline are necessary for long term success. The two full moons in Aquarius highlight for you a culmination of creative work started in late January. Feel the satisfaction for what you’ve accomplished, and harness the power of this astrology to plot a course for the next six months.
Scorpio Rising
Now is your time to shine in your career, with the Sun, Mercury, and Mars transiting your 10th House of career and public life. With two full moons in your 4th House of home and family, you'll be given new insight into your work-life balance--a major theme of this year, and especially the focus of late January and early February. Saturn is also transiting your house of home and family, challenging you to commit to necessary routines, boundaries, and systems that allow you to fully take advantage of the blessings the Sun is granting your career over the next month. What lessons about your work-life balance have you learned over the last 6 months?
Sagittarius Rising
You have something to say and the two Aquarius full moons are handing you a megaphone. This season, Jupiter returns to your 3rd House of communication, likely expanding opportunities to talk, teach, and share. The Sun, Mercury, and Mars transiting your 9th House of philosophy, beliefs, long-distance travel, publishing, and higher education likewise invigorate you to share your wisdom. What communications projects did you commit to or begin to consider in January that are now finally taking shape? What successes can you celebrate? What challenges have you learned from? What do you want to commit to communicating—in whatever medium you prefer—over the next 6 months?
Capricorn Rising
How you make and manage your money, and how your share assets with others, is a theme you may well be tired of revisiting this year. Saturn has been parked in your house of personal money all year, pressuring you to devise systems to manage your budget wisely. There is hope, though, with Jupiter returning to this house. You may experience a raise, financial windfall, or new revenue stream opportunities. With two full moons here, some new clarity is being provided on how you can best make and manage your wealth. Allow yourself to feel optimistic about your financial outlook—your hard work is paying off. Take care, though, especially on August 1, regarding conversations with spouses, roommates, or bosses about money—things could get heated. Remember that clear communication, boundaries, and mutual respect are necessary to navigate any financial partnership.
Aquarius Rising
With two full moons and Jupiter returning to your 1st House of self, this season highlights you and the personal growth you’ve experienced over the last 6 months. Saturn, too, has been putting pressure on you to define who you are now and, perhaps, to mature into a new phase of self. The Sun, Mercury, and Mars are stirring up your committed one-to-one relationships. The Sun adds a warmth and vibrancy to your intimate relationships, but influences of conflict or unexpected change are at work. When we grow and change, our relationships likewise grow, change, or sometimes end. How have you changed over the last 6 months and what pressure or ease has that created in your relationships? Where do you want to go from here?
Pisces Rising
The two full moons in Aquarius will uncover unconscious patterns, habits, and beliefs. Though buried deep, the last 6 months have had you working to unpack revelations you had in January about unconscious patterns that can no longer continue. What new understandings have you come to? How does this interior, psychological work influence changes in your day-to-day work or health habits? August 1 might bring you a pointed revelation about the work yet to be done for your mental and physical well-being. How do you want to commit to caring for yourself going forward? What compassion can you show yourself? What victories can you celebrate?