The moon is at rest, and you can be too. Happy new moon in Cancer.
On July 9 at 6:17 pm PT, there is a new moon in Cancer. New moons are new beginnings. When the moon is dark, we can rest, reflect, and set new intentions. We plant the seeds of intentions now that we will see come to fruition in six months when we’ll experience the full moon in Cancer.
This new moon is occurring in the area of your life that received a lot of pressure from July 2018 to December 2020. During that time, Cancer experienced 4 eclipses, and was opposed by massive transits happening in Capricorn (a Saturn transit, 3 eclipses, a Jupiter transit, plus Pluto has been parked there since 2008). What does all that mean? The house in your birth chart that is in Cancer--therefore the areas of your life that reside in the domain of Cancer--have been under immense pressure for the last couple years. Much of that pressure let up in December 2020, so this Cancer new moon allows us to reflect on all we learned, suffered, and achieved during that time. Check out your horoscope below to find out what parts of your life are ruled by Cancer and consider what affirmations and intentions you want to commit to with this new moon.
We often talking about manifesting with the moon, but especially with this new moon in the sign of home, family, love, protection, and caregiving, we can remember that every moment isn’t about what we *do* or *produce*. Tell those you love them that you love them. Get cozy at home. Rest. Recharge.
New moon blessings.
Please read the horoscope for your rising sign. To figure out your rising sign, read this post about how to pull your birth chart. You might also want to check out my quick guide to the houses.
Aries Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in your career or public life (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn put a great deal of pressure on your home life (ruled by Cancer). Perhaps a new job, new responsibilities, or a loss of your job led to stress or changes at home. Whether positive or negative, these last couple years have been focused on shifts in your career and home. Thinking back on what you experienced, learned, regretted, achieved, what intentions do you want to set for your home life at this new moon that you want to see come to fruition in the next six months to a year? How can your home become a place of rest, restoration, and self-care?
Taurus Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in your beliefs systems, philosophies, higher learning, or in the realms of teaching, publishing, or long-distance travel (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn put a great deal of pressure on your communication style and output (ruled by Cancer). Perhaps you’ve experienced a spiritual awakening which is changing how you want to communicate with friends and family, or that inspires you to want to share your truth. Perhaps you began or want to begin a new course of study, or start teaching a new course of study. Maybe you started working on that book you’ve been meaning to write. At its core, the Cancer-Capricorn eclipses and astrology of 2018-2020 radically shifted how you see the world, what you want to share, and how you want to communicate. With this new moon, what can you commit to communicating over the next six months to a year? Do you want to start a blog, podcast, or Instagram account to share your passion? Do you want to create new art from the revelations you’ve had over the past two years? How do you want to connect to the world?
Gemini Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in your house of shared resources (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn put a great deal of pressure on how you make and manage your own money and resources (ruled by Cancer). Perhaps you or your partner came into some money, got a loan, bought a house, or generally had to renegotiate how you share money and assets with others. This sharing of resources can also be about how you share non-monetary assets with others, including your emotional work. At the same time, there was a shift in how you make and manage your money and livelihood. Perhaps changes in your life led you to leave your job, so as your own money making (or lack thereof) shifted, more emphasis was placed on being supported by a partner, friend, parent, or other financial support. Alternatively, advances and shifts in your financial autonomy may have created new opportunities for you to care for others, requiring new boundaries to be created in what and how you share. At its core, this astrology has been about how we share what we have and get what we need (financially, materially, emotionally, spiritually) and how to go about negotiating changing dynamics responsibly (Capricorn) and lovingly (Cancer). With this new moon, what intentions do you want to set around how you make and manage your own resources going forward? What worked and what didn’t over the last two years?
Cancer Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in your committed partnerships (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn put a great deal of pressure on your sense of self and identity (ruled by Cancer). Pressure brought buried conflicts to the surface, highlighting any long-standing patterns you have in committed friendships, romantic relationships, business partnerships, or any other long-term one-to-one relationships. How you behaved during this tumultuous time gave you new insights into who you really are and what internalized beliefs and traumas affect how you relate to others. This new moon, reflect on all you learned about who you want to be--as an individual and in relationship to others--and consider what intentions you want to set regarding self-development for the next six months to a year. Who and you and who do you want to become? How do you love and want to be loved? In a relationship, where do you end and the other person begin and how do you keep those boundaries firm?
Leo Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in your day-to-day routine and health (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn helped to uncover the many unconscious beliefs and habits you run on automatically (ruled by Cancer). Perhaps you experienced an increase in day-to-day work or responsibilities, or maybe even experienced significant illness. These two years have been exhausting, and in that exhaustion you had to face the unconscious beliefs you were indoctrinated into that led to unhealthy habits. This new moon, consider all you’ve learned about how your past trauma or internalized beliefs influence your day-to-day life. How can you commit to healing psychological and emotional wounds to live a healthier, happier life?
Virgo Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in the lives of your children, in your casual romantic relationships, or in your creative projects (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn put a great deal of pressure on your friend groups and the communities you usually identify with (ruled by Cancer). While children, romance, and creativity may seem like disparate topics, they each relate to the erotic, lifegiving creative force within each of us, and it is that element of us that was tested and transformed over the last two years. This new moon, consider how your friends and community support your creative babies (human or otherwise). What groups no longer align with your beliefs, who is holding you back, holding you down, and what new friends are coming in that fuel your growth and creativity? With this new moon, what intentions can you set around connecting with those that prioritize growth, compassion, care, and radical self-responsibility? How can these new connections support your creative work?
Libra Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in your home life or in reconciling issues with parents or your lineage (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn put a great deal of pressure on your career and public life (ruled by Cancer). Perhaps you moved house which puts financial pressure on your career to provide, perhaps a great upheaval in your homelife (kids being born, kids moving out, moving in with roommates, moving back with parents) has altered your career goals. Or perhaps conflict with family, especially parents, or new understandings of where you come from have impacted your sense of self and how you want to shine in the world. Reflect on the polarity of home (your private life) and your career (public life) and the challenges and growth experience over the last two years. What intentions do you want to set for the next two months about your career? What work do you wish to put in? What do you want to cultivate? What compassion, caregiving, or relationship building are required to achieve those goals?
Scorpio Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in what and how you communicate (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn put pressure or transformed what you want to learn, what you believe, and what you want to teach (ruled by Cancer). What new ways of communicating with others have developed over the last two years (either interpersonally or publicly, as in artwork, such as a podcast, course, blog, etc.)? What have you been learning, what old beliefs have been shed, what do you find you want to teach? Consider the upheaval in your worldview and philosophy over the last two years and, for this new moon, identify what domains of knowledge you want to dig deeper into to feel enriched, especially in your creative work and interpersonal relationships.
Sagittarius Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in your house of personal money and how you make money (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn put a great deal of pressure on how you manage your shared resources (ruled by Cancer). These two years have brought to light themes of codependency, boundaries, and responsibility, especially when it comes to your assets and shared assets. Understand that our assets include our time, energy, and emotional capital. At its core, this astrology has been about how we share what we have and get what we need (financially, materially, emotionally, spiritually) and how to go about negotiating changing dynamics responsibly (Capricorn) and lovingly (Cancer). How have you cultivated and managed your assets? What have you learned about the responsibility, discipline, and boundaries necessary to share assets (with a partner, with friends, with a financial institution)? For this new moon, what intentions do you want to set around healthy relationships where assets are shared? What makes you feel secure? How are you taking responsibility for making sure your needs are met and honored in partnership?
Capricorn Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in your house of self and identity (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn put a great deal of pressure on your committed partnerships (ruled by Cancer). You’ve gone through an odyssey of self-development, perhaps a trial by fire, forcing you to face the outmoded beliefs and behaviors that need to be released so you can become who you are maturing into. The pressure of this self-work has come in tandem with conflict and transformation in your committed partnerships (marriage, business partners, close one-to-one relationships). Your relationships have been the crucible for your personal transformation, which at times may have felt like a total destruction of self. And yet here you are, on the other side! Reflect on what you’ve learned over the past year about who you want to be and especially how you want to be in relationship with others. At this new moon, what intentions do you want to set about cultivating caring, responsible, secure partnerships?
Aquarius Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and upheaval in your understanding of unconscious patterns and beliefs (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn helped to uncover the influence of your conditioned behaviors on your daily life (ruled by Cancer). What inner excavations have taken place over the last two years? What have you learned and healed around past traumas and toxic patterns? What work has yet to be done? For this new moon, what intentions can you set about new habits and daily rituals that best support your mental and emotional well-being? What habits can support your health? How can each day include healing, self-reflection, and self-care?
Pisces Rising
From July 2018 to December 2020, you experienced a great deal of pressure and transformation in your friend groups and the communities you usually identify with (ruled by Capricorn), which in turn put a great deal of pressure on your children, your romantic life, or your creative projects (ruled by Cancer). While children, romance, and creativity may seem like disparate topics, they each relate to the erotic, lifegiving creative force within each of us, and it is that element of us. This new moon, consider how you can nurture your creative babies (human or otherwise). What intentions do you want to set about committing to cultivating your creative projects? What care do they require? What growth do you want to see in the next six months to a year and what compassion, relationships, and nourishment does that growth require?