When you lash out in righteous indignation, what unhealed wound is being prodded? When you think of all you’ve healed, what medicine have you cultivated that you can share with the world? When you are honest with yourself about the truest dreams in your heart of hearts, can you find the courage to act on them?
Welcome to the Total Solar Eclipse in Aries.
There is a conglomeration of celestial objects gathered together in the sign of Aries. At the heart of this astrology is the Sun, Moon, and Chiron conjoined together at 19 degrees of Aries. This solar eclipse is flanked by Mercury retrograding back toward the Sun and Venus in the early degrees of Aries likewise zipping toward this celestial meetup. This is some of the loudest, most potent astrology of the year, but what does it mean for you?
I’ve read a fair bit about how this eclipse, conjunct Chiron, speaks to a wound we harbor—personal and defining, perhaps cultural and ancient. When planets interact with Chiron, it pulls focus on our wounds, the healing we have undergone, and the medicine we still require. In Aries, it causes us to face the ways in which our rage is an outgrowth of a long-festering wound. Is the rage the balm we require, or is it salt, only adding to the sting?
But what I am thinking about today is how far I’ve come. The healing I’ve been blessed with. The medicine of loved ones (Venus). Chiron was a master healer. He shared his gift and his wisdom. While introspection and personal healing are central to our life’s adventure, I can’t help but think about what healing I have to give. What kindness, empathy, advocacy, patience, and justice can I contribute to the collective? Yes, this eclipse is in Aries—a sign associated with the Self and aggression—but it is part of the set of eclipses in Aries AND Libra. What is this axis about but the balance of Self versus Other? About what we receive from our connections with others, and what we owe.
On a practical level, this eclipses likely marks an important ending or beginning in the area(s) of your life correlated with Aries (see slide 2). It also is taking place in the 2nd decan of Aries, which can speak to self-expression and self-efficacy. When you think of these areas of life, I encourage you to consider on the one hand the personal dreams you want to manifest, and on the other the contribution you offer (to your partner, your family, your friends, your school, your community, the world) if you had the courage and fortitude to realize those dreams.